Tel. +31 (0)6 140 009 31

Does EuroCue Have Any Tips & Tricks?

  • Make sure your text flows well and is written in conversational language.
  • Adjust words or sentences that are difficult to pronounce, and make them phonetic if needed.
  • Practice, practice, and practice (in front of a mirror).
  • Keep enough distance from the autocue to avoid the appearance of reading.
  • Read your text out loud to others and ask for their feedback.
  • Keep your performance lively.
  • Avoid abbreviations.
  • Use your story to come across as energetic.
  • Use plenty of commas and periods; this always makes texts easier to read aloud.
  • Always prepare your own text.
  • Make use of blank lines or paragraphs in your texts.
  • If you make a mistake, continue reading calmly.
  • Always reserve time for a rehearsal with our experienced operator.

What is a Teleprompter?

Teleprompters are the technical solution to the imperfect human memory—their primary function is to send the script to the presenter. The task is to display smoothly scrolling and readable text (similar to the credits at the end of a movie). While the presenter reads the text (in front of a camera or a live audience), our operator uses a controller to match the scrolling speed with the speaker’s delivery.

There are significant benefits to using a teleprompter:

  • The script doesn’t need to be memorized to be delivered confidently, polished, and accurately.
  • It eliminates the need for notes and cue cards.
  • It allows the speaker to maintain eye contact with the audience.
  • It enables the speaker to focus more on style and presentation rather than remembering the content of the speech or presentation.
  • It lowers video production costs by making it easier to take longer and more accurate “takes.”
  • It allows for consistently polished speeches every time.

What Kind of Autocue or Teleprompter Do I Need?

Autocue/teleprompters are available in three basic configurations:

  • On-camera autocue teleprompters
  • Congress or presidential autocue prompters
  • Podium monitors for public events

On-camera autocue teleprompters come in two variants: mounted on a tripod or a rotating pedestal. The choice depends on whether the camera moves or not.

Congress or presidential autocue prompters are used by speakers who deliver long speeches without ever looking away from their audience. These are recognizable by the 1 or 2 glass panels placed beside a podium, almost invisible. They’re used when a speaker is addressing a live audience. The text is always clearly visible to the speaker but not to the audience, allowing the speaker to maintain eye contact with the audience.

Podium monitors (teleprompter screens) for public events are primarily used at concerts or conference presentations. Here, the speaker looks directly at a screen.

How Do I Generate Scripts?

Modern teleprompters bypass the hardcopy stage (cue cards or long rolls of printed paper)—instead, they display text directly from a computer, similar to how a monitor shows the text you’re reading now. This approach has several advantages. First, since the text is an electronically generated image, it is sharp and easy to read. Revisions are simple to make without the readability issues associated with crossing out words or making last-minute handwritten corrections. Scripts can be created in any popular word processing program. Once the texts are entered into the computer, they can be reformatted and displayed in standard, large, bold fonts or with the addition of colored text.

What Size Teleprompter Screen Do I Need?

This mainly depends on the distance from the speaker. For distances under 3 meters, a 10-inch teleprompter is usually sufficient; for distances under 5 meters, a 15-inch teleprompter should be used; and for distances over 5 meters, a 17, 19, or 20-inch teleprompter is required.

My Speaker is Having Trouble Reading the Text—What Should I Do?

The answer is simple: make the text larger. You can also improve the situation by moving the teleprompter closer to the speaker. Depending on the circumstances, you may need a larger display monitor. A modest investment in upgraded equipment can yield significant returns if it improves the effectiveness of your message.

I Need a Portable Teleprompter—What Should I Look For?

The key considerations are the size and weight of the camera and teleprompter combination, along with how easy it is to set up. Our rule of thumb is that a 10-inch monitor can be read comfortably at a distance of up to 3 meters and a 15-inch monitor at a distance of 4.5 meters. The weight of the teleprompter equipment isn’t a major factor in studio applications where cameras are mounted on hydraulic or pneumatic pedestals, but in the field, size and weight are very important. In a broadcast studio situation, 17 to 20-inch monitors are often used since the pedestal can support a much greater weight than the camera tripod used for remote shoots.

What Kind of Teleprompter Do I Need for Presentations?

Many presentations include complex concepts and high-profile terms. A lot of information must be presented in very precise wording. People who speak off the cuff or from memory often forget important points or exaggerate certain details. Teleprompters perform better than even the best memory—once a speaker has memorized a piece, it’s difficult to make last-minute changes because the speaker might inadvertently revert to the earlier version. With a teleprompter, simple or complex changes can be made to the script electronically and presented instantly. Very few people have the time or ability to memorize a long presentation, and even the most experienced professionals may panic when trying to remember a particular word. The resulting body language (a sudden change in tone or the proverbial “deer in the headlights” look) will detract from even the best presentation.

Our teleprompter operator ensures that the words are there when needed, allowing the presenter to relax and focus on the presentation.

Eye contact with the audience is an important element of effective communication. A speaker whose eyes are constantly shifting to look at sheets of paper or note cards on a podium cannot maintain proper eye contact with the audience. Some advantages of using a teleprompter include:

  • No pressure on the speaker to memorize long texts.
  • Eliminates the need for sheets of paper or note cards.
  • Allows the speaker to focus on their own style.
  • Enables the speaker to maintain eye contact and build rapport with the audience.
  • Allows for last-minute changes to the text.
  • Makes consistently delivering complex material a breeze.

How Many Teleprompters Do I Need?

There should be a teleprompter on every camera the speaker looks directly into. For example, if you have three manned cameras that traditionally take tight shots of the speaker and a fourth unmanned camera that only captures a wide shot, only the three manned cameras would need teleprompters. In the case of a speech (congress set), one speech prompter on each side of the podium allows the speaker to look left and right at the audience while maintaining eye contact with the text.

What’s Wrong with Placing the Screen Below (or Above) the Lens?

Would you trust someone who doesn’t look you in the eye when talking to you? Placing the screen anywhere other than directly in front of the lens prevents the speaker from maintaining eye contact with the viewer. Television (and by extension video production) is wrongly labeled a “mass medium.” In reality, it’s a very personal medium, where one person—your speaker or presenter—is talking to an audience.

How Is the Text Speed Controlled?

Always rehearse in advance—take your time. The speaker will become familiar with the system and deliver the message even more effectively.


Telefoon algemeen: +31 (0)6 140 009 31


Hilversum – Netherlands

Wisseloord Studio’s EuroCue
Catherina van Renneslaan 10

1217 CX Hilversum

Maaseik – Belgium

Studio Maaseik
Koningin Astridlaan 107
3680 Maaseik Begium

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